Tag: water

Water Privatization is on the Ballot in November

American Water and Essential Utilities subsidiaries are buying up water and sewer systems around New Jersey. Two towns, Gloucester Township and South Orange, are voting in November on whether or not to sell. The Association of Environmental Authorities is teaming up with others who oppose privatization for an online educational event on Wed., Sept. 4 at 7 p.m. to help voters understand why privatizing water/sewer is bad for customers. Speakers will include local residents organizing their communities to protect their own locally owned and democratically run water and wastewater utilities from fall into private hands. More info and registration at the link above.

Also speaking:

  • Jeanne M. Fox, retired President and Commissioner, who served on the NJ Board of Public Utilities from 2002-2014
  • Richard S. Dovey, retired President of the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA)
  • Peggy Gallos, Executive Director of the AEA, an association for local, regional and county public agencies that provide water, wastewater and solid waste service in New Jersey.
  • Mary Grant, Public Water For All Director at Food & Water Watch, an organization that fights for sustainable food, clean water, and a livable climate for all of us.

“Water Wars” Report Should Serve as Warning for NJ Water and Sewer Customers

In the Public Interest has released a comprehensive report explaining just how bad a deal water and sewer privatization has been for Pennsylvania customers. Gloucester Township, Bernardsville, Hopewell, South Orange and other New Jersey towns considering privatizing should take heed. https://inthepublicinterest.org